MK-61 Command Reference

The table lists the various commands of the MK-61 and the key-codes as they appear in programming mode.
Key Commands
Power off/on
R Use radians (2p) for trigonometric functions
GRA Use grad (400)
G Use degrees (360)
normal n/a SST: In programming mode display next program step.
Strange things happen when stepping forward beyond the end of the program.
shift-F 5C XX JP X<0: Programming instruction:
If X<0 then continue normally, otherwise jump to 2-digit program address that follows
shift-K C0-CF
JPI x<0: Programming instruction:
If X<0 then continue normally, otherwise jump to 2-digit program address that is stored in the specified register. If register number is 0-3 then the register is decremented as well.
normal n/a BST: In programming mode display previous program step.
Strange things happen when stepping backwards beyond.
shift-F 5E XX JP X=0: Programming instruction:
If X=0 then continue normally, otherwise jump to 2-digit program address that follows
shift-K E0-EF
JPI X=0: Programming instruction:
If X=0 then continue normally, otherwise jump to 2-digit program address that is stored in the specified register. If register number is 0-3 then the register is decremented as well.
normal 52 RTN: In calculator mode: Set program counter to 00.
In program mode: Returns from subroutine or goes to address 0 if no subroutine call is pending.
shift-F 59 XX JP X>=0: Programming instruction:
If X>=0 then continue normally, otherwise jump to 2-digit program address that follows
shift-K 90-9F
JPI X>=0: Programming instruction:
If X>=0 then continue normally, otherwise jump to 2-digit program address that is stored in the specified register. If register number is 0-3 then the register is decremented as well.
normal 50 R/S: In calculator mode: Continue program from current address or stop running program.
In program mode: Halt program.
shift-F 57 XX JP X<>0: Programming instruction:
If X<>0 then continue normally, otherwise jump to 2-digit program address that follows
shift-K 70-7F
JPI X<>0: Programming instruction:
If X<>0 then continue normally, otherwise jump to 2-digit program address that is stored in the specified register. If register number is 0-3 then the register is decremented as well.
normal 40 - 4F 
RCL: Recall register 0-9 or a-e and push into X.
The letters "a"-"e" are printed below 5 keys at the lower end of the keyboard.
shift-F 5D (5G) DSNZ0: Programming instruction: If register 0 is >=2 then it is decremented and execution jumps to the address that follows. If register 0 is <2 then it is not decremented and execution continues normally.
shift-K D0-DF
RCLI: Indirect recall using the register number that follows. If register number is 0-3 then the register is decremented after the recall. 
normal 60 - 6F 
STO: Store X in variable register 0-9 or a-e.
The letters "a"-"e" are printed below 5 keys at the lower end of the keyboard.
shift-F 5B DSNZ1: Programming instruction: If register 1 is >=2 then it is decremented and execution jumps to the address that follows. If register 1 is <2 then it is not decremented and execution continues normally.
shift-K B0-BF
STOI: Indirect store using the register number that follows. If register number is 0-3 then the register is decremented after the store.
normal 51 XX JP: Programming or calculator mode: Jump to address that follows.
shift-F 58 DSNZ2: Programming instruction: If register 2 is >=2 then it is decremented and execution jumps to the address that follows. If register 2 is <2 then it is not decremented and execution continues normally.
shift-K 80-8F
JPI: Indirect jump using the register number that follows. If register number is 0-3 then the register is decremented after the jump.
normal 53 XX GSB/SST: In calculator mode: Peform one program step.
In programming mode: Perform subroutine call to address that follows. Use the "B/O" command to return from a subroutine.
shift-F 5A (5-) DSNZ3: Programming instruction: If register 3 is >=2 then it is decremented and execution jumps to the address that follows. If register 3 is <2 then it is not decremented and execution continues normally.
shift-K A0-AF
(-0 - -_)
GSBI: Indirect subroutine call using the register number that follows. If register number is 0-3 then the register is decremented after the call.
normal 07 Number 7
shift-F 1C Sine of X
shift-K 34 INT: Integer part of X
normal 08 Number 8
shift-F 1D (1G) Cosine of X
shift-K 35 FRAC: Fractional part of X
normal 09 Number 9
shift-F 1E Tangent of X
shift-K 36 Replaces X with the higher value of X and Y. Does not drop the stack.
Warning: If X or Y is 0 then the result is always 0! Maybe a bug.
normal 11 Substract Y-X
shift-F 21 Square root of X
shift-K 27 Undefined function. Causes ERROR
normal 13 Divide Y/X. Note that when dividing by 0 the display will go blank for about 5 (!) seconds before the error condition is displayed.
shift-F 23 Reziprocal of X
shift-K 29 Undefined function. Causes ERROR
normal 04 Number 4
shift-F 19 Inverse sine of X
shift-K 31 ABS: Absolute value of X
normal 05 Number 5
shift-F 1A (1-) Inverse cosine of X
shift-K 32 SIGN: Signum of X: -1 if X<0, 0 if X=0, 1 if X>0
normal 06 Number 6
shift-F 1E Inverse tangent of X
shift-K 33 H-HM: Convert decimal hours to hours.minutes
normal 10 Add Y+X
shift-F 20 Number pi=3.1415...
shift-K 26 HM-H: Convert hours.minutes to decimal hours
Example: 2.3030 -> 2.505
normal 12 Multiply Y*X
shift-F 22 Sqare of X
shift-K 28 Undefined function. Causes ERROR
normal 01 Number 1
shift-F 16 Exponential of X
shift-K 55 No function
normal 02 Number 2
shift-F 17 Logarithm base 10 of X
shift-K 56 No function
normal 03 Number 3
shift-F 18 Natural logarithm of X
shift-K 30 H-HMS: Convert decimal hours to hours.minutes/seconds
normal 14 Swap X and Y stack register
shift-F 24 X to the power of Y. This is reversed comapred to the "normal" mode!
shift-K 2A (2-) HMS-H: Convert hours.minutes/seconds to decimal hours
Example: 2.3030 -> 2.508333
normal 0E Push stack (ENTER)
shift-F 0F (0_) Last-X register
shift-K 3B (3L) RND: Create a random number 0<=X<1
normal 00 Number 0
shift-F 15 10 to the power of X
shift-K 54 Programming instruction: NOP (no operation)
normal 0A (0-) Decimal point. Note that a digit must be entered before the decimal point! Also, the programming instruction "EXP ." seems to do surprising things.
shift-F 25 Rotate stack down.
shift-K 37 Perform binary operation Y AND X
normal 0B (0L) Change sign of X
shift-F n/a Normal calculator mode (switches out of programming mode).
shift-K 38 Perform binary operation Y OR X
normal 0C Enter exponent
shift-F n/a Activate programming mode.
shift-K 39 Perform binary operation Y XOR X
normal 0D (0G) Clear X-register
shift-F n/a Apparently clears the prefix key. Note that the prefix keys override each other. So in order to clear the K prefix key press F and then CF.
shift-K 3A (3-) Perform binary operation NOT X

Binary Operations

In binary operations only digits after the decimal point are considered. The result of a binary operation will always have an "8" before the decimal point. Binary digits A-F are displayed like this:
- L C G E _ (blank digit!)
